

Ujjwal Pradhan Discusses the Role of Technology to Enhance 森林 Management and Conservation in India

Ujjwal Pradhan的大头照

Dr. Ujjwal Pradhan是森林plus 3党利乐技术负责全球最大体育平台.0 joint program of the United States Agency for 国际发展 (USAID) and the Ministry of 环境, 森林与气候变化(MoEFCC), 印度政府.

Dr. Pradhan has more than 35 years of experience leading programs and research in Asia focusing on natural resources management and the environment.

加入森林-Plus 3之前.2010年,他担任过一系列高级职位,包括森林-PLUS 2的党首.0: forest for water and prosperity; Chief of Party for a Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) project in Indonesia; Regional Director of the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) Southeast Asia and China Program; and Program 从icer at the Ford Foundation’s regional India and Indonesia offices. Dr. Pradhan holds a doctorate in development sociology from Cornell University and has authored and edited several books and articles on natural resources management and the environment.

下面是对博士的采访. 普拉丹最初出现在 气候变化商业杂志(CCBJ) 作为对利乐全球最大体育平台的认可 CCBJ 商业成就奖 适应气候变化 & 实施 森林-PLUS 2.印度的0个项目.


祝贺森林-PLUS 2的实施.并开发新的Van系统以支持森林管理. 是什么导致了印度的森林砍伐, and what are some unique characteristics of Indian forest ecosystems that have to be considered when designing a forest management system?

印度的森林砍伐有很多驱动因素, 包括不可持续的耕作方式, 非法采伐, 基础设施开发, 以及对薪材的依赖. 印度损失668,400 hectares of forests between 2015 and 2020 according to a global study report that was released in March 2023. 在过去的15年里, 超过300,000 hectares of forest land have been diverted across states and union territories for infrastructure and industrial projects.

One of the main drivers of deforestation in India is agricultural expansion to meet the food 需要s of the growing population. This increase in demand for agricultural commodities leads to the conversion of forests into farmland. 森林退化的另一个重要原因是非法采伐, which is still rampant despite laws that prohibit the cutting of trees without permits due to high demand for timber. 大规模开采矿物,如铁矿石, 铝土矿, and coal is also a significant contributor to deforestation in India as these mines are in the forest areas, 导致森林的破坏和生物多样性的丧失. India’s growing population and rapid urbanization are also having a significant negative impact as forest areas are converted into human settlements and infrastructure.

在印度, 有16种不同类型的森林, 从热带常绿森林到干燥的高山灌丛. This diversity poses significant challenges to develop a system that can be used across the country in different forest types to collect inventory data. 认识到这, the Van system (Van meaning forest in Hindi) was developed as a modular system that can be set up for any state/forest division by uploading the geo- spatial layers and the species list.

Indian forest ecosystems are also characterized by a heavy human dependence on forests and significant biotic influence. Van系统有收集生态系统服务数据的表格, 村子里的信息, 家庭数据. Our approach includes ensuring that forms are available in local languages and include the local names of plants and animals. We continue to expand the Van system to include the unique and important characteristics of India’s forest ecosystems, 例如生物多样性热点地区, 红树林, 神圣的树林, 农林复合经营系统, 濒危物种.


最近多久才要求印度各邦制定和提交森林管理计划? 你希望你的系统在印度28个邦中的6个以外的地方部署吗?

自19世纪中期以来,印度的森林管理法规一直在实施. 然而, 早期的想法倾向于保护商业上可行的物种, eliminating the less valuable and those interfering with the growth of the former—thus creating imbalanced forest ecosystems. 随着时间的推移,《亚洲最大体育平台》由W. E. 达奇, sought to help manage the comprehensive set of factors for consideration in forest management plans and transformed the process. 今天, 计划由印度环境部通过《亚洲最大体育平台》进行管理, 森林, 与气候变化(MoEFCC). They require all forest divisions in the country to develop these plans through forest inventory data collection and analysis. 目前, the Van system is used in six states; in the next three years we are working to expand to at least 15 total states.


所有数据都是基于地面采集的数据手工输入的吗, or does the system integrate drone or satellite data or automated functions for collecting data on an ongoing basis?

Van mobile app collects all data entered as primary data from the field using various field data collection forms provided in the National Working Plan Code 2023. The Van System currently has a simple structure: forms for data collection on the app and calculation of growing stock and some indices on the web portal. 目前,Van系统没有集成无全球最大体育平台机或卫星数据或任何自动化功能.

通过最近获得的森林-PLUS 3.0的合同, we will identify additional functions for the Van system and expand its scope to make it a monitoring tool through regular collection of data. 为了实现这个目标, 我们将与国家林业局和国家林业局密切合作, 根据他们的需求, 需要, 以及技术可行性.


How is India doing in generating forest carbon credits either for a domestic program or internationally?

“脚踏实地”报告指出,印度有1个,451个项目已在不同的碳登记所注册或处于不同的审议阶段. Carbon credits issued to Indian entities are worth 11 percent of India’s annual greenhouse gas emissions in 2021. Indian entities have already earned about $652 million from carbon credits used to offset emissions. 绿色信贷计划, 由MoEFCC于2023年10月推出, is an effort to create a market-based incentive for different kinds of environment-positive actions including water conservation and afforestation, 不仅仅是为了减少碳排放.


你在哪里长大的, 在你的一生中,你看到的最令全球最大体育平台信服的气候变化证据是什么?

我在尼泊尔长大, and we often experienced weather extremes like flash flooding and 山体滑坡 caused by torrential monsoon rains. 在过去的十年里,德赖甚至加德满都谷地都遭受了更频繁的洪水袭击. 在印度这里, 我们目睹了类似的挑战, 例如, 多年来奥里萨邦海平面上升加剧. 在喜曼恰尔邦这样的山区, 山洪暴发的发生率越来越高, 山体滑坡, 以及生长模式的转变, 比如苹果树只能在比以前更高的海拔上结果.

These changes underscore the critical importance of programs such as 森林-PLUS to operationalize commitments to improving forest management and increasing forest cover through eco-restoration, 特别是在易受极端气候变化影响的地区.
